Tweets now searchable and rankable in Google

This is exciting

Twitter is so easy to manage and make quick post re-post of keyword ladden material and backlinking (I’m not a fan of posting to twitter, but it is a real player). The fact that Google has announced a deal to make tweeks more searchable opens up new ways of increasing your businesses reach.

Twitter Relevance to the average business

Unless you are in fashion, Y Generation, political or something targeted to movers and shakers it didn’t mean a whole lot. Things will change with this new deal though. If you post like manic now with keywords, links, backlinks you’ll actually have a positive effect on your business and site ranking.

I find this a really exciting idea to exploit!

Update 2018

We have been running lots of search engine optimisation experiments over the last year and we are finding twitter very useful for adding with indexing for youtube ranking and local business map pack ranking. We find time and time again it helps keep custom mymaps and youtube videos ranked in serps for the long term. This can be further enhanced with embedding of the posts.


Maral AP (2015). Twitter and Google team up to make tweets’ search easier. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 03/03/2015].