#1 Search Engine Optimising Carrara

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Organic SEO for Local Carrara Businesses

Ever Wondered How Other Businesses Get Their Website On Page One Of Google?

The holy grail of online web marketing is said to be to Rank by organic means. By natural we are often inferring you have come to rank on page one, number one position, simply by operating a business and being online. In practice this is very rarely the case. Most businesses who have an online presence in Google search results are using some version of SEO technic to ‘game’ Google or Bings ranking systems in some manner for their benefit. There are many techniques which are employed to gain a favourable organic search ranking by Gold Coast SEO experts.In general terms there are Whitehat SEO Techiques and there are Blackhat SEO Techniques (Note: There is also a sub set of Blackhat SEO which are illegal techniques, but they are unlikely to apply for most legitmate businesses and are not something we practice). Depending on your goals and business risk profile Whitehat SEO and/or combination of Blackhat SEO techniques would be recommended. We will illustrate the difference between the two on this page.

Note: We operate with full disclosure and always act in the best interests of our clients and their goals. Blackhat SEO is often misunderstood it does not mean ‘deception to clients’ it is just another type of marketing, which can be highly effective for its purpose. What a Blackhat SEO will do is look for the loop holes in search Engine algorithms and use those loop holes to help improve a websites rankings.
Search Engine Optimising Services

What are the secrets to ranking organically?

Content and technical SEO setup is the first key to ranking! A lot of marketing agencys will say you need good content…well things have changed and what we are now telling clients is, they need to aim for EPIC on page content. You now need to not only match your competitors content you need to absolutlely blow it out of the water if you want to take over their rank on page one. Therefore, for each services you offer we will research and create epic pages that answer all aspects about your business a potential client may want to know about. We will create the content in rich forms, such as; video, text, infographics, images and audio all backlinked and crosslinked to enhance search engine juice across your whole site. This is what will get you to that promised land of ranking your website on page one. From the technical aspect of your website, we ensure that all errors fixed, slow performing code is optimised, All tags and titles are correctly used, Schema is correctly configured and installed, a little marketing finesse and lastly we finish it off with blisteringly fast web hosting. After all you will capture more leads if your site is looking great, loads fast and has good click bait and calls to action.

Carrara SEO For Local Businesses

The Gold Coast, QLD skyline

The vast majority of businesses located on the Gold Coast of Quensland should be targeting their local market first within a 100 kilometre radius. Google and other search engines services, including voice search, recognise there is a distinct difference in local shoppers and business owner needs. Consequently, there are a bunch of online marketing techiques and tools we can employ to improve search results for your local market. Local Search ranking is a highly detail orientated process requiring a lot of experience to execute with efficiency and effectively. Some of the work we do to achieve outstanding results for our clients are; Comprehensive Website SEO Auditing and action plans, Website Performance calibrated to your target market, local citiations creation and syncing, Local Backlinking, High quality backlinking and outreach, Google App Stacking, Google Maps, Google and BING My Business, Google Analytics and We Replication of details syncing, Local keyword research, Keyword competitiveness analysis, Extensive Locally based rich content additions, Video Ranking, Image Ranking, Analytics, Call tracking, Detailed analytic reporting, Social Media Creation and targeting, Social Signals, Pay Per Click Advertising, Click Through Rates enhancement and quality web coding, Sales funnel creation, Email Marketing.

Google My Business Suite

Multi Business Location SERPs Registration

Optimising websites for multiple locations is an extension of local business search SEO in most cases and it is highly effective. With the addition of multiple highly local content pages and Google My Business Mutli location entries we can target your rankings to the street if needed and have your business ranking in multiply location without being penalised for duplicate data or the expense of running many websites for each location. Location SEO targeting is a great strategy even for state, national and even internetional businesses. While it is a technicque that Google states to be considered spammy and not technically a true whitehat SEO practice, it is highly effective and when done in a measured customer focused fashion, it has little to no risk of penalisation. We would recommend it to any business looking to improve their rankings locally and overall. Adding location specific pages and content will boost your whole site by virtue of increasing its link juice to its main pages via the sub localty pages. This works by linking suburbs to Cities, Cities to States, states to countries following through to the specific services pages, then linking to your main pages. This is often contrary to what website owners and online marketing professionals do, as most people tend to syphon off juice by linking out from their target pages. Consequently, they lower the SEO Juice to the pages they want to rank. Even worse sometimes we see linking going out to other websites from key pages. The correct process should look like the diagram below and this is the proven method, learned from real world testing from the affliate world, we will use to rank your website pages. A common mistake many webmasters and marketers make is, they actually have the diagram the other way around and are weakening the link juice to their main pages or worse exporting it to someone elses webpages.

Outter Suburb Niche Service Pages To Create Better Link Juice

How to create Link Juice Diagram Basic Link Juice diagram for a Burleigh Heads Local Business Website

From this diagram you’re probably having an aha moment! Because now the process and method of adding further backlinks from blogs, outreach posts, citations and why that helps to increase your rankings will all make more sense. The saying the rising tide lifts all boats big and small is certainly an aphorism relevant to website technical setup and the processes of linking.

National Australian Search Rank Optimisation

There is a distinction between national bricks and mortar businesses and National business or an eCommerce business in regards to how a search engine pro would execute it. For example, with a Bricks and Mortar businesses we expand on our multi location local business technique with advanced website coding to allow for more dynamic control of locations such as; cities and states, complimented by automated geo tagging of services/products. Furthermore we tag a mix of national quality backlinks with high DA local citiations and backlinks for high value local searches. Lastly, we support the organic search with targeted PPC marketing for the local niches and national general enquiries to maximise brand awareness and ensure every search has the potential to be captilised on.

Further enhancement of the basic location based search optimisation, we target topics and longtail keyword searches based around problems that your target market are looking for in search and in social media. We then develop targeted content to meet these enquiries better than any other company. Additionally, we create sales funnels and automated processes from these highly targeted landing pages to convert your enquiries to paying business.

eCommerce Search Engine Optimising

Magento // Shopify // ZenCart // BIG Commerce // osCommerce // neto // WOO Commerce

Effective e-Commerce search engine optimisation is a holistic process focusing on; brand awareness, optimisation of the category and product pages, user experience, follow-up, remarketing, Off-site optimisation, Social Media, Influencer, monitoring, Pay Per Click, measurement and server performance. While SEO produces the best return on marketing dollar invested each aspect of eCom marketing enhances the other overall.

How to get web traffic increases

Our process of Optimising focuses on four areas of marketing development:

How do you increasing website traffic?

Without traffic, your e-commerce site is effectively dead in the digital ocean. Therefore building a steady flow of traffic is key to succeeding. However, now all traffic is equal and that is why we do extensive research to identify your most profitable type of buyer/s. Then we construct content specific to improve the likely hood of attracting that type of customer.

With organic SEO we look at trends in search data and exact match keyword matches to make your on page content and supporting content exactly what users are searching for. Then when they do find your website on page one, it will be very rich and engaging content experience to answer exactly what they searched for while staying focused on selling your product or service.

Likewise, for pay per click marketing, we focus on the procuring new customers into your sales funnels via direct product offers, giveaways and answering trending metrics based on searches or social media data. We identify where certain customers are in your sales funnel and handle them accordingly to maximise conversions short-term and over the long-term. While we agree there is good profit to be made from the now buyers, we have also found the difference between a small loss, break even, small profit and the highly profitable business you want will be made or lost in the eCommerce sales funnel follow-up. Consequently, any investment in driving traffic needs to have an equal investment in follow-up.

Social Media is the new big search engine. The number of people using social media regular in Australia is mind blowing. Every company should have a social strategy which encompasses; short term pay for sale, brand building, long term value adding and user engagement. We love the practices of social marketing leader Gary Vaynerchuk and implement his method of value, value, offer and craft it into the marketing plans of all our clients. To be successful in social media marketing you need effective sales funnels with a long term and short term view. The reason is, many of your new followers will be very early in the sales process. Therefore, you need a method of offering them value and earning their trust through automated systematic methods. Without a sales funnel process in place, what seems like a very low advertising cost can quickly turn into a money pit and this is often why business owners disregard social media marketing as being effective. When it was actually just the execution which was flawed.

Sales funnel Creation Services

How To Design An E-Commerce Sales Funnel

Having effectively designed sales funnel is the best way to improve your sales short term and most importantly long term. The amount of advertising budget lost due to the absence of a planned sales funnel is staggering. Often conversation rates from direct marketing can be around the one to five percent mark on a good day. Having a sales funnel can literally 10x your results overnight. Not only will you be focusing your in the moment sales, but you will be capturing and channelling customers through an automated series of messages to earn sales later. MebMedia uses its extensive experience and research to create dynamic sales processes to get the most out of your marketing.

Technical Implementation SEO for e-Commerce

Often creative, SEO and development have to be handled by different specialising parties. Regularly, this creates double handling of tasks and many breakdowns in communication. We have in-house specialists who are all used to working to the same play book. Our Search Optimisation and marketing team work directly with our development team making sure your approved version is coded exactly how it should be the first time. Likewise, the development and hosting team can discuss, on-the-fly, with our marketing to solve any issues in the moment. Furthermore, we use Agile Scrum as our workflow so all teams working on the project are aware of the requirements and goals of the whole project, not just their own task. We find the level of efficiency is far superior as a whole compared to trying to outsourcing the individual task and trying to tie it all together.

In regards to implementing SEO tasks into your website, we have a team of Senior Coders, System Administrators and Graphic Designers in-house capable of implementing anything needing to be done regardless of the platform or complexity required.

eCommerce Analytics and Performance Measurement

What gets measure gets done! you’ll likely never truly know where your problem areas are if you don’t measure all aspects of your sites performance. Most webmasters know they should have some user analytics installed on their website to monitor traffic. However, to really win in the online game you should also be measuring, SEO rankings,

We recommend and install the following measurement software:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster
  • User Experience Analytics, Monitoring and Heatmaps
  • Comprehensive Web SEO Reporting
  • Competitor Monitoring
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Hosting Performance Monitoring
  • Conversion Monitoring
  • Sales Funnel Tracking

website analytics and metrics

International Enterprise Business SEO

Along with traditional areas of search optimisation more estiblished brands have their biggest opportunities through Building Brand Awareness and improving customer engagement on page and through social media. Quality content is always key, however planned systems and methods of engagement is more critical and profitable overall. Artifical intelligence Systems / automated bots to supplyment first level personalised engagement and conversions are exciting new ways of optimising your business digitally online.

Local Voice Search SEO

Users searching from mobile devices now exceed searches conducted on desktop computers and the trend is increasing. In Queensland, Australia on the Gold Coast on average sixty percent or more of all local searches are from mobile devices (Google, 2016). Google also says these local mobile searches lead to some of the most profitable customer enquiries for local businesses. Furthermore, twenty-five percent of those searches are voice based searches! few other Gold Coast SEO companies are offering Voice Search Optimisation on the GOLD Coast unaware of the impact of being able to dominate 25% of all mobile device searches with little to no competition can have. Imagine the difference having an additional 25% in leads would make to your business. Taken one step further, what would it be like getting 25% of all enquiries made? It would be a total game changer for most business website owners. Like all things, the earliest adopters of voice search optimising will benefit most. Virtually, any business can benefit from being voice search optimised. To understand the impact of not being optimised can have on your business just imagine, you are driving on your way to buy XYZ widget and you forget the directions. So you voice search a product from your phone while driving. Unfortunately, the place you had intended to go to is 3 pages back in the results. You see Bob and Janes XYZ widget store is the first result and in the direction, you are going anyway. What do you do? You go to Bob and Janes Store and the non-voice optimised business is forgotten. This type of situation is playing out every day, not to mention the use of voice search from ability impaired users.

Local Voice Search Optimising Services

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Our Gold Coast Digital Marketing Services

Keyword Research Services Relevent To the Gold Coast Region

What Is Keyword Research?

In part keyword research is using tools, such as;Google Keyword Planner, SEM Rush, LSI and Sumorush to find words and phrases that potential clients are using in search engines like;Google, BING, youtube and social media to find things of interest which are relevent to your business website, services or products. Generally, basic keyword research is looking for the highest volume searches related to a clients business and then implementing them into the business owners website.

More advanced search engine optimisation keyword research considers factors, such as; Competitiveness to rank, Conversion rate, Local Relevance, Social Trends, Relevance to product or service, return on investment, time to realise a return and expected return and historic data. Every business is a little different and we approach each website as such.

ecommerce platform brands

eCommerce Marketing Services

We break down eCommerce marketing into four categories for success.

Generating eCommerce Traffic

In eCommerce there is traffic, then there is quality traffic. The art and science of generating quality ‘buying’ users for your e-commerce website are detailed research for targeting the right segment interested in buying your product. A good eComm marketing plan will look to create multiple sales funnels through a variety of mediums, such as; Search engine optimisation, Social Media Management, Pay Per Click, Search, Influencer, Content Marketing, Video Ranking, Streaming, Outreach, current customer base and Authority Sources.

User Experience

When users are spending their money on your site they are brutal. Any little issues, such as; slowdowns, limited payment options, confusing product selection, untidy UI elements and they are gone. If you fall short on any of these options you can be losing thousands of users before the checkout. We use specialised testing software to simulate user experience and we make refinements based on data, not guesses. Additionally, we use real people in focus groups combined with experts in the field of UX design and marketing to improve your websites experience.


Getting the sale the first time around is great, but what is awesome is capturing the details of missed sales and potential future sales in an automated follow-up system. Between abandon carts and come back users you can be ignoring upwards of 40% of potential revenue by not having these systems in place. It typically doesn’t take a lot to implement a abandon cart sales funnel and proper inbound sales funnels.


Did you know most eCommerce websites have zero automated followup system or don’t Implement any type of regular newsletter or automated offers back to their clients that they already sold to once before? Who is easier to sell to, a previous purchasers who already likes your products and would love to receive offers and regular information or a fresh user with no loyalty to you at all. The cost of converstion is always cheaper and easier with your current database. Just think if 10% of your previous purchases bought 1 more item on a regular basis how that would change your bottom line? These are the type of automated sales systems we can put in place for your e-commerce websites.

Social Media Management Services

Social media platforms are now the next big search engine, with many users adopting them exclusively for search to find services and products. Therefore, with such a powerful tool to interact directly with your customers, it is extremely important for a business to have an active and engaging presence through regular social media marketing (SMM).

We approach social media the same way we approach everything we do and that is on the basis of ROI (Return On Investment). When a client invests in building their social media presence through paid advertising, followers will increase along with profits. Like all effective digital marketing should be, social media is about ROI based on KPIs4 (Key Performance Indicators). What social marketing is not about is posting off target images for the fact of posting, with little to no engagement from your followers. Each post should have a goal and target audience in mind. This should follow with quality analytics, lead capture and follow-up system.

Our Social Platform Marketing Services are aimed at growing your business, through engagement, brand awareness and driving traffic to sales funnels.

Develop Brand Awareness Through Direct Engagement (Followers / Comments):

Brands that actively engage with their target audience by publishing quality, relevant content through their social media pages win! It’s not just about growing your followers. We look to target users who are truly interested in your products and services. When you focus on genuine customers it’s not just about the numbers. After all, which is better 100,000 followers with 1% engagement or 10,000 followers with +50% engagement? We want to find the advocates so you can improve your bottom-line through; social sharing, word of mouth and direct engagement. Our social media marketing services will grow your followers by targeting the right people who interact, not by bloating your numbers with ghost accounts.

Build Relationships (Engagement):

Engagement builds trust. Trust earns ‘retained profit margin’ and longevity. We create automated and planned systems to promote engagement and a sense of community with your brand. We use quality content, personal engagement and opening teaser offers as trial closes on the road to selling your products and services.

Generating Qualified Web Traffic:

Increasing your website traffic will directly influence leads and sales. We will focus on developing social media advertising campaigns that drive high volumes of traffic to your website. To increase conversions, we can add-on retargeting ads to stay in front of recent website visitors.

Lead Generation:

Let us create an execute campaigns specifically to produce sales, leads, information capture.

Social Media Page Setup Deal

Have you ever done a ‘police check’ on a company you were considering doing business with only to be completely put off by their social media pages? We have too. For a modest investment we can professionally setup all your social pages with quality branded artwork, calls to action, correct details, website links, galleries and cross integration.

Order 25x Social Media Page Setup Deal for $499

Facebook Page Management

We will ensure your content is relevant and posted at the optimum time to be most effective. Furthermore, we can engage with your users via post comments and messenger services. Additionally, we will manage your brand’s reputation via vetting comments and reviews. Lastly, we will share your content across all your social platforms and include all the trending hashtags and influencers.

Facebook Group Management

WGroups are an awesome way to create special insider groups or interest audiences for your brand or products. Well managed groups can be an endless stream of qualified leads and advocates.

Twitter Management

Trend riding is important across all social media platforms and it is essential on Twitter. One well-picked hashtag can leapfrog your twitter account from nowhere to star overnight. Additionally, we create and use lead capture pages, popups and forms to capture details for future marketing. Most importantly, we carry out quality control of your followers which helps to eliminate spam accounts while we target other new followers based on engagement and keyword use to grow your account organically.

Instagram Management

Did you know video and .gifs on average receive less engagement in comparison to images 24:37? However, did you know that 96% of Instagram posts consist of images? The disparity between top image post interactions and low-performance images is so massive that the average interaction figure is actually skewed heavily in favour of images over video. What this means is that on average most businesses posting videos will get a lot more interactions over images on average. It is analysis like this which sets us apart from the usual social marketers who literally just post pretty images and include some generic hashtags.

Snapchat Management

Snapchat is huge and one of the fastest growing social mediums with insanely high engagement rates. We can help strategies and execute a Snapchat marketing campaign tailored for your business.

Medium Management

The Medium website is like a cross between Twitter and a blog. It has become extremely popular with micro-publishers and mobile users who enjoy consuming the smaller volume of content per post. Just like other social platforms it just needs attention and quality content and you can grow a quality stable audience for your business via the microblogging on this highly shareable social platform.

Youtube Management

Youtube has become the second biggest search engine on the planet, with so much content being uploaded in one day it would take several lifetimes to watch it all. Much like Google search, Youtube content can be optimised to rank and produce real bankable profits. Additionally, a video is a great way to demonstrate your products or services and build trust with potential new customers.

Live Streaming

Live streaming is a fantastic way to connect with your customer base. Live streams build trust with potential clients, demonstrate your knowledge and give you great content to share across other social media platforms. We work with clients to plan the best live streaming content, work behind the scenes and create the sales

Pay Per Click Advertising

Do you need leads now? Pay Per Click is a great way to acquire instant leads. No need to wait for organic SEO to kick in, PPC marketing is like turning on a tap of new enquiry, for highly qualified leads in the buy now mode. Paid search and social media marketing is a great additional revenue stream for any business and should be a staple in your ongoing marketing plan. Whether you are looking for a long term strategy for your bricks and mortar business, a dynamic and aggressive campaign for e-commerce store/brand or looking to take your online business to the next level we provide PPC from an evidence-based perspective. We do extensive keyword research, A/B testing, Lead Page and pop creation and analytics analysis to ensure you are always getting the best ROI possible.

We manage;

  • 1. Google/Bing Search
  • 2. Youtube
  • 3. Re-targeting
  • 4. Social Media Marketing
  • 5. Affliate Marketing


The rising tide lifts all boats, big and small. Much the same as this old saying, the better your backlinking profile the better your website ranking will be in Google.

This is where things get interesting, the difference between the amature search engine companies and the agencies who really know how search engine ranking works is backlinking! While on page technical setup and quality content are strong factors in ranking a website, backlinks are an extremely important factor when your website is rank is being calculated. So important it will be extremely difficult to move your website on to the first page for any competitive industry. While we do offer blackhat backlinking services such as PBNs, for most business websites quality whitehat SEO backlinking strategies are the best short and long term option for sustained growth. We work with our partner network of high authority sites and enfluencers to create and favour backlinks that matter. We re-enforce this with enhancing strong social media signals via targeted interesting and engaging quality content. However, this is a highly planned and structured process based on years of experience, the lastest SEO research and boots on the ground experience. We use a lot of backlinking technics to boost rankings and some of the more traditional methods we use are listed below.

Enfluencer Backlinking Services

Enfluencers went digital! Back in the day if Oprah Winfery mentioned your service overnight you would a worldwide success. In todays digital world of Bloggers and social media celebrities the same rules apply. Quality offers and content can create direct traffic click through and be a powerful backlink.

Authority backlinking services

Similar to enfluencers creating backlinks from authority sites in your niche will improve your website ranking. After competitor analysis and Keyword research we can select and create authority backlinks from the right type of websites to earn click through traffic and improve your websites SERPS ranking.

Private Blog Networks

Done very carefully and honestly PBNs can be a useful tool to safely improve your website ranking in Google. While Private Website networks aren’t a true whitehat SEO pro’s technique, they can be a SEO Greyhat strategy, they don’t need to be a complete blackhat underground trick either. You can expand your companies online footprint and improve your core website through legitimate PBNs.

Blackhat Backlinking

We offer a range of blackhat backlinking under full disclosure (legal only). While we don’t recommend this service for most businesses there are some businesses which these techniques are practical. We do not however promote or action any type of spamming.

Google Drive Stacks

What better backlink can you have than one with googles domain on it? Google Drive Stacking is an interesting technique of creating content and platforms within Googles free online tools and backlinking them to your target site to boost its ranking profile. We create these complicated backlinking profiles when it will be benefical and matches your risk profile. They can be the difference between page #1 and invisiblity.

Press Release Services

People are communicating around the globe and social media has changed how they do it. This social change has led to pop culture phenomena and even political revolutions. All this has left business owners scrambling to find new ways to leverage social media to reach audiences and now, a familiar marketing tool — the press release — has gained a new purpose. Today, press release services are a vital tool in a successful digital marketing campaign to promote your company. Leverage our press release service resources to help investors, customers, potential employees and others learn more about your company.

Newspapers and Television networks used to be the gatekeepers to effective press releases. With the advent of new media (digital media) press releases have become a staple for digital marketing campaigns. Online marketers, such as mebsites.com Leverage press release automation to promote on and offline. Press releases can create a mass of quality backlinks improving your website ranking, but also improving your business authority to; investors, customers, influencers, potential employees and other brand partners.

Furthermore, press releases can enhance the rollout of a new product or service by; being picked up by an influencer, going viral, creating brand awareness through quality sources, providing concrete status above competitors, providing anchored evergreen content and being a permanent digital record for your brand online. We can either create the press release content for you or you can provide it. We will then submit the release through our distribution network. The content from the sources we publish through is quickly picked up by search engines due to their online authority, which creates a quick quality backlink. Additionally, the backlink will have the potential for real qualified web traffic.

Do You Have Something News Worthy?

  • 1. New Product or service
  • 2. Introduction to your business
  • 3. Promotion or Event
  • 4. Trade Show
  • 5. Big new client sign up
  • 6. Joint venture or new parnership
  • 7. Senior staff member hire
  • 8. Financial Results
  • 9. Whitepapers or Interesting research
  • 10. Award or Accolade

Order A Press Release Here

Influencer Marketing Outreach Services

We recongised that influencers can be as good or better than a number one ranking. While you can approach influencers directly, which is a slow process full of rejection having a stable of willing top influencers for many niches on tap is a much better option for businesses looking to market via social media influencers. We will discuss with you different influencer options we have in your niche and how they could be incorporated into your marketing stragies and what and how they would be prepared to assist. Influencers can provide product / service reviews, promotion, appearences, cross promotion or be online brand ambassadors for your business.

Content Marketing Burleigh Heads Businesses

Yep, content is still king! Is having quality content still good enough? Honestly, not really. If you want your content and therefore your brand to be the best you need, not just quality content, but content mind blowingly better than other competitors in your space. The question is how do you define better content and that is were our evidence based approach really shines. Through detailed research and analysis we can define what better quality content is for your niche. Then with the help of our content writers, graphic artists, marketers and web designers we can create awesome pages which will rank and have clear calls to action to convert users.

Web Page Speed Optimization Service

If your website does not load in under 4 seconds you have a problem! Remember most users today are using mobile phones and sites will typically load even slower on a phone. Furthermore, Google will actively promote faster websites and penalise slower sites loading over 6 seconds. We have an extensive website and ecommerce optimising service, which in compasses server, hosting os and website optimising. Our senior system administrators and senior developers will optimse your hosting and website so you are achieving that elite loading speed. Services also include, minifying, error repair, performance coding, image compression, cdn services, cdn resources, google speed optimising practices.

Order Website Optimisation Service

SSL Security Certificates Sales

SSL Security Certificates

Having your website running under https is not only a benefit for your search engine optimising it is also a positive feature for users increasing their trust when using your website or checking out with a product. Additionally, most payment gateways require at least a SHA2 grade of SSL Certificate. You can order your SSL Certs from our online Gold Coast web hosting store or we will issue, install and manage your SSL for you.

Onpage Optimising

Website onpage optimisation covers; Creating Calls to action, Branding, Performance, Sales funnel creation, Content Writting, advanced content SEO, such as; skyscrapers and silios, Plugins, Lead capture Popups, exit pops and redirects.

SEO Website Audit

Ever ask yourself

I know I have an issue, but I’m not sure what it is?

Ordering a comprehensive SEO / Marketing Web Audit can be a great start to fixing the process. We will illustrate everything that is wrong and missing, benchmark your site against your competitors, Conduct Basic Keyword research, Performance analysis, Backlink profile, Social Signals Profile and we will provide a detailed list of areas that you can make rapid improvement on and how to do it. From there you can hire us to complete the work, key tasks or do it yourself.

Order Comprehensive SEO Audit and Report

Guest Posting Services

Providing or posting content on high authority websites as a guest post is a great way to expand your market, earn click through traffic and create a quality backlink. Our services cover finding guest posting spots in your niche, using our current inventory of guest posting spots and of course writing content that will interest your target market and encompass your branding.

Order A Guest Post

Monthly SEO Reports – Track Your Rankings

The reports we send out at the end of the month for our clients are awesome! Now you can get access to the same detailed reports for your business live. The reports give detailed analytics, competitor comparsion and tracking, Keyword rankings, Page Rankings and automated SEO Audits. Everything you need to have professional insight to run your online business Search Engine Optimising.

Reputation Management

If we don’t have our reputations what do we have? Online a business or individuals reputation can be damaged in an instant and fester. Furthermore, sometimes malious activity can directly effect your SERPs ranking. Even just one negative review in; Google, Yellowpages, Truelocal, Yelp, Tripadviser can remove you from search engine results completely. Our reputation management includes, alert systems monitoring for negative posting, articles, reviews concerning your brand or name. If the worst has happened we will enact counter measures to remove, change, take legal action, investigate the source/reason or bury any negative listings/reviews.

On a more positive note, prevention and planning is always best. Creating review funnels, customer satisfaction surveys, processes and having suitable legal protection and all great means of stopping problems before they ever occur. The best news is creating these preventive measures is always a positive for your business in terms of; moral, customer statisfaction and of course search engine rankings and profits.

Review Funnels

Every wondered how that competitor got so many reviews? Before you jump to accusing them of dishonest practices, perhaps they have just setup an effective review funnel to feed your customers directly to give you positive reviews where it counts. Asking customers to leave reviews is not enough. Additionally, not all review websites are created equal. So reviews and review websites will positively affect your search ranking 10x more than others. Furthermore, just like Googles search a lot of these review sites and how they are ranked is based on algorythms, which can mean over supplying one review site could be ineffective or worse become a negative and get your penalised.

Businesses need to make it easy and natural for customers to leave positive reviews for your business. This can include the creation of review accounts and platforms where you have more control over quality and mediation, Creating easy links and processes to direct customers at the right time to leave reviews, Automated followup systems to harvest reviews and deal with any negative issues before it becomes a potential problem.

Review Funnel Creation

Google Maps and Google My Business Listings

If you want to ranking locally or have an effective click through strategy you must have a correctly setup Google My Business Page and Google Maps listing. We will set these up correctly for you and make sure all your other local citations and sync’d in exact detail so you are not penalised or sandboxed by Google (Sandboxing=Your rank is held low on purpose by Google due to incorrect or poor information affecting your trust factors). We can also create multi location map listings and clean up existing my business listings which are currently hurting your trust factor when customers search for you. When an effective Google My Business SEO Listing nothing can be more effective than a local three pack listing and a couple organic listings all on page one! Furthermore, voice searches from mobile phones are heavily dependent upon GMB listings and data to give results. Therefore, if you setup is missing or poor you will be excluded everytime, meaning you are giving away 25% plus of the market to your competitors without even a fight.

Optimise My Maps Now

Link Pruning

When most businesses are fighting for backlinks it seems odd that other businesses actually need to remove backlinks doesn’t it? However, once your internet presense is large enough and you have your content publishing proceedures in place it becomes a game of quality maintenance. We will setup comprehensive monitoring and removal practices to keep your backlinking profile in top order, so your business will naturally keep its high ranking and reputation. This prevents malicous practices of keyword piggybacking, negative SEO backlinking and other ranking stealing SEO.

Advance Web Analytics

What gets measured gets actioned. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had someone swear and declare something is happening or they are earning all their money from one source or method to then check website analytics and discover something completely different. Firstly every website should have some type of Analytics installed (Google Analytics is just fine). Then goals and other advanced monitoring and integration should all be setup. Data should then be analysised before any money is spent on new online marketing projects. You must know what type of ROI you are getting for you online marketing efforts and analyics are the corner stone. Our services cover advanced setup of web page analytics and analysis.

User Experience Metrics

Much like analytics user metrics are extremely important when considering investing in improvements and monitoring day to day operations. We can setup and identify KPIs for your user metrics. This is a highly customised field and we would recommend a consult if you are interested.

Click Through Rates

Whether you consider this spying or not, the fact is Google pays intense attention to the what, why and how users do online. For website owners the question becomes a chicken and egg situation, because for a website to rank you need have click through from search and time on page, but how do you get that without rank? This can be an especially painful process for small businesses which can langish pages back in the quagmire of non-page one status for months or even years even though they have everything else right. For SEO specialists and web masters this means enhancing user click through rates or CTR can boost rankings dramatically. The techies will state that a bot can do the job of faking traffic, however Google is way ahead on this already and it won’t work or worse it can get you penalised. Where we come in as SEO professionals is we create sources and structure that enhancers the CTR signals that improve how Google sees your user behaviour and accordingly improves your ranking. We create the structures based on solid Search Engine research and CTR statistics. Then we monitor the improvements with comprehensive SEO reporting and Analytics.

Examples Of How To Improve Click Through Rates:

  • Adding a dedicated thank you page or bounce page to redirect users to after they complete forms can reduce bounce rate figures dramatically.
  • Removing Phone Numbers and Emails for Meta Titles and Descriptions can increase CTR.
  • Adding onpage links to internal pages will improve on page and site time and surfing figures.
  • Adding more content to pages will increase the onpage time.
  • Creating sales funnels which follow through multiple pages.
  • For high bounce rate campaigns we can create specific lead capture pages off your main domain.
  • For information pages with high bounce rates we can move them onto other domains

Heat Map Metrics

Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly what your customers are doing when they visit your website? What order do they visit things, how do they behave with that new feature you just added? Heat Maps measure user behavior on your website. You will be able to get real insight to what is going on and base future improvements on real data and not guesses. These heat maps are nothing short of awesome on ecommerce businesses, sometimes the data they uncover is nothing short of absolutely profound.

Lead Pages and eMail Capture funnels

It was common practice to use your website as your only form of lead capture 5 years ago. Now, switched on digitised businesses utlitise highly customised lead pages to capture client details and sell products. Behind the scences they create structures sales funnels, which encompass automated emailing as the cornerstone of followup and sales materials. We will design and deploy these pages and systems for your business. The ROI on these processes is amazing, especially when combined with social PPC campaigns and webinairs.

Why use lead pages instead of your business website? The funny thing with social media and Google, they are fickle environments which seemingly change without notice or right of repuration. We have seen it before and been a victim, when what was perfectly fine to do for years is suddenly changed without notice and you find your domain is temporaily blocked or worse for what appears no reason. The real downside comes when you realise there really is no means to state your case or have the block/ban removed and yes that does include when it is a false ban. Therefore, lead pages are a fantastic way to protect your brand from having an oh no moment when you realise you have been completely removed and you have no way of undoing it…that is unless you know the Zuckerbergs personally.

email marketing Services Gold Coast

Online eMail Marketing

eMail marketing in regards to spamming is somewhat dead, though it does still work if you can get the numbers delivered. However, qualified mailing lists created from customer databases or lead capture landing pages are still a great source of untapped revenue for many businesses. Even small lists of a less than a hundred can be extremely profitable for businesses. We can create the capture forms to create the lists and then follow them up with correct prepared marketing emails on a fully automated sales system. By correctly using automated email marketing you can get the most productivity out of your sales force and keep those sales that are normally lost warm in your sale pipeline.

Search Engine Optimisation Gold Coast – We are an acclaimed digital marketing company based in the heart of GC, Queensland. We use an evidenced based approach to rank websites on page one. Additionally, we don’t just rank for page one, we analyse the data to find the best return on investment keywords to aim for our clients. Then we focus the traffic through custom lead funnels to ensuring every lead is maxiumised.

White Labeling services

Are you an agency, sole trader or just looking at partnering with someone to offer more services to your client base?

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Consultations can be via Phone, Skype or in Person


We Love Our GC Community – What We Love About Carrara?

Carrara is a suburb on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. At the 2011 Census, Broadbeach had a population of 4,614. Development in the area today mostly incorporates low rise structures, consisting of single bedroom houses and apartment blocks. Much of the suburb consists of canal waterways, including Lake Intrepid that are linked to the Nerang River. The suburb contains a major road intersection between Nerang – Broadbeach Road and the Gold Coast Highway. The Blues on Broadbeach Music Festival, held in May each year is one of Australia’s largest Free Blues Festivals which began in 2002 and continues to draw significant crowds each year, while remaining a free outdoor event for people of all ages to attend. Broadbeach also hosts other significant including the Broadbeach Country Music Festival (July), Broadbeach Jazz Weekend (August), Opera in the Park, Broadbeach Christmas Carols with all events remaining free.

The Oracle
Broadbeach oceanway