Hot Growthhacking and Business Facebook groups you should join in 2017

Word count: 512 Reading Level: College Graduate Reading time: 1.52 Mins

Networking can be a total pain in the ass in the real world. Dealing and weeding out fake people and bullshit artists is the last thing I feel like doing. However, this is the digital social age and there is no need for awkward social meet and greets. There are hundreds of social grounds that you can join and get insider connections and insight. With over 1 billion users engaging in facebook groups every month they are a sleeping giant. Here are our most notable must joins for 2017 business owners.

ahrefs Insider: SEO / Marketing group you will find great insight to marketing online for eCommerce. Some of the connections and information available freely could be worth millions.

London Real: One of our favourites. It has gone a little off the business focus and more about the person, but it is still great. One of my favourite discoveries was Dan Pena his video interview with Brian is a must watch.

Ladys who launch: Closed group, but great for female entrepreneurs.

Custom Apparel Startups: Awesome group for rag trade startups

Urban Social Entrepreneurs: Urban Social Entrepreneurs is a nonprofit organisation based on the ideas and principles of social entrepreneurship. It was created to make urban communities economically and socially stronger, through the development of a new generation of social entrepreneurs. Very cool with lots of young open minded thinkers.

Being Boss: You guessed it all about being a business owner and the struggles. Great support network.

Marvelous Brand Builders: I really love this group. If you really want to create a business that isn’t just a glorified job then this is the group for you. Fantastic constructive feedback from other members and admins.

Freedom Hackers Mastermind: Great feedback group for your business ideas, struggles and plans.

Simplified systems: How much time do you spend on things that could be automated…a lot I bet. In just about all cases someone has had and solved the same issue already. You’ll find it on this group.

Ladtpreneur Community: Feedback from some of our clients has been great on this group.

Creative Corner: For creative entrepreneurs looking for resources, support, and guidance. The owner, Julie Harris, takes the group through weekly exercises to help them grow + better their brand, provides exclusive digital content every month, and regularly promotes the work of members of the group. Worth trying to join.

Gem Nation: Are you a diamond in the rough business owner. Get the polish you need by joining Gem Nation.

The Rising Tide Society: Another closed group, but worth joining though can sometimes turn into a bit of a circle jerk I enjoy visiting the group regularly due to the positive spirit.

Tell us and our followers about your favourite facebook groups by sharing them in the comments below or on our social media pages.