How to set up your Google My Business page

Word count: 1,335 Reading Level: College Student Reading time: 4.51 Mins

What is Google My Business?

It is a free and easy tool used by businesses and organisations to manage, verify and edit your business information, helping customers find you easily on Google search and Maps. It is

How to get sales with no money

Word count: 87 Reading Level: 9-10th Grade Reading time: .19 Mins

Marketing online to your current and past online customers can be a great cheap way to get some extra sales. While I actually recommend doing this regularly. If you have missed this in the past, when times are tuff

What is Search Engine Link Juice

Backlinking and internal linking structures are still a very important part of the way Google measures your website’s search result ranking with its Algorithm. People in the search engine optimisation business refer to the structure and direction of internal and external linking analogously in terms of liquid or the way